WANG Ying, WANG Shui.Management Status and Countermeasures of Key Soil Pollution Supervision Units in Jiangsu Province[J].Environmental Monitoring and Forewarning,2024,16(1):104-108
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江苏省环境科学研究院,江苏省土壤与地下水污染防控工程研究中心,江苏 南京 210036
关键词:  土壤污染  重点监管单位  管理  对策建议  江苏
Management Status and Countermeasures of Key Soil Pollution Supervision Units in Jiangsu Province
WANG Ying, WANG Shui*
Jiangsu Provincial Academy of Environmental Science,Jiangsu Province Engineering Research Center of Soil and Groundwater Pollution Prevention and Control,Nanjing,Jiangsu 210036,China
Compared with water and air pollution, soil pollution is characterized by concealment, hysteresis and accumulation, and the restoration of contaminated soil are costly, long cycle and difficult, so it is necessary to strengthen source prevention and control to prevent problems before they occur. This paper briefly describes the management requirements of key soil pollution supervision units in China, sorts out the management points of key soil pollution supervision units from the four links of environmental access period, construction period, operation period and decommissioning period, analyzes the management status and existing problems of key soil pollution supervision units in Jiangsu Province, and puts forward countermeasures and suggestions from the aspects of strengthening publicity and training, implementing categorical and hierarchical management, exploring and carrying out technical models of management and control while production, and improving the supervision capacity of grassroots management departments, in order to provide decision making reference for soil environmental management in Jiangsu Province.
Key words:  Soil pollution  Key supervision units  Management  Countermeasures and suggestions  Jiangsu