WAN Xueping, JI Qun, HUA Tianxing, XU Yanyan, LU Tingting.Analysis of a Composite Pollution Process in Jiangsu Province Based on Particle Lidar Network[J].Environmental Monitoring and Forewarning,2023,15(5):30-35
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无锡中科光电技术有限公司,江苏 无锡 214000
基于2022年9月5—11日江苏省发生臭氧连续超标,细颗粒物(PM2.5)浓度同步上升的一次典型复合污染过程,利用颗粒物激光雷达组网对江苏省6个城市的大气垂直剖面进行了连续监测,并结合近地面污染物浓度和气象要素观测数据分析了此次污染过程的成因。结果表明,污染过程期间各城市呈现高温、小风、强太阳辐射的特征,造成日间二次生成的颗粒物在本地积聚。各城市颗粒物浓度的小时变化趋势大致相同,颗粒物浓度大幅升高期间,ρ(PM2.5)/ρ(PM10)值也同步上升,以PM2.5生成为主导。激光雷达探测结果显示,1 km以内的355 nm消光系数显著增强,表明此次污染过程是由于强大气氧化性导致以极细颗粒物为主导的PM2.5大量二次生成,无明显的区域传输,同时夜间伴随边界层高度降低,白天生成的高浓度PM2.5沉降至地面,期间淮安市、扬州市和镇江市受浮尘、扬尘等粗粒子影响,边界层内粗颗粒物浓度也较高。
关键词:  颗粒物激光雷达  大气复合污染  消光系数  江苏省
Analysis of a Composite Pollution Process in Jiangsu Province Based on Particle Lidar Network
WAN Xueping, JI Qun, HUA Tianxing, XU Yanyan, LU Tingting
Wuxi Zhongke Optoelectronics Technology Company Limited, Wuxi, Jiangsu 214000,China
Based on a typical composite pollution process of ozone and particulate matter in Jiangsu Province from September 5 to 11,2022,the atmospheric vertical profile of six cities in Jiangsu Province was continuously monitored by using particle lidar network, and the causes of the pollution process were analyzed by combining the observation data of near surface pollutant concentration and meteorological elements. The results showed that during the pollution process,high temperature, low wind and strong solar radiation resulted in the local accumulation of secondary particles generated during the day. The hourly variation trend of particulate matter concentration in each city is roughly the same. When particulate matter concentration rises significantly, ρ(PM2.5)/ρ(PM10) value also rises simultaneously. Lidar detection results showed that the extinction coefficient of 355 nm within 1 km height was significantly enhanced, indicating that the pollution process was caused by strong atmospheric oxidation leading to the secondary generation of fine particles dominated by extremely fine particles. No obvious regional transmission was observed. Meanwhile,with the decrease of boundary layer height at night, the high concentration of fine particles generated during the day settled to the ground. During this period, the concentration of coarse particles in the boundary layer of Huaian City, Yangzhou City and Zhenjiang City was also high due to the influence of floating dust and blowing dust.
Key words:  Particle lidar  Composite air pollution  Extinction coefficient  Jiangsu province