LI Bin, HUANG Junmei.Analysis of Industrial Energy Carbon Emission of Minhang District Based on STIRPAT Model[J].Environmental Monitoring and Forewarning,2023,15(5):106-111
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上海市闵行区环境监测站,上海 201199
关键词:  STIRPAT模型  工业能源  碳排放  影响因素  闵行区
Analysis of Industrial Energy Carbon Emission of Minhang District Based on STIRPAT Model
LI Bin, HUANG Junmei
Minhang District Environmental Monitoring Station,Shanghai 201199,China
The paper estimated the carbon emissions of industrial energy in Shanghai Minhang District from 2006 to 2020. It analyzed the influencing factors of industrial energy carbon emissions by using STIRPAT model.The results show thatthe total carbon emission, carbon emission intensity and industrial energy consumption of Minhang District show a gradual downward trend from 2006 to 2020. The proportion of coal in industrial energy consumption, per capita industrial output value, industrialization rate and industrial energy intensity contribute to the increase of industrial energy carbon emissions in Minhang District. And the proportion of coal in industrial energy consumption has the greatest impact on industrial carbon emissions in Minhang District, while the industrial added value and the proportion of electricity in industrial energy consumption have little impact on industrial energy carbon emissions in Minhang District. According to the research conclusions, the suggestions on adjusting industrial energy consumption structure, optimizing industrial structure and improving industrial energy utilization efficiency are proposed to reduce the carbon emissions.
Key words:  STIRPAT model  Industrial energy  Carbon emissions  Impacting factors  Minhang district