WANG Beixin,WANG Meng,,PENG Zhiqi,WU Shuhong.Biodiversity Monitoring Under the Kunming Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework[J].Environmental Monitoring and Forewarning,2023,15(4):1-5
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南京农业大学植物保护学院,江苏 南京 210095
生物多样性监测是执行和评估《昆明-蒙特利尔全球生物多样性保护框架》(简称《昆-蒙框架》)长期目标和行动指标所需要的关键数据的主要来源。简要介绍了《昆-蒙框架》下的全球生物多样性观测网络(The global biodiversity observation network,GEO BON)概况、中国已有的生物多样性监测/观测网络,构建全球生物多样性观测系统(A global biodiversity observation system,GBiOS)的目的和核心监测指标,分析了生物多样性监测网络建设的一般步骤和GEO BON建议的4种生物多样性监测新方法。提出,地理空间单元与生物类群的全覆盖监测是建设生物多样性监测网络的主要目标,传统监测方法和新监测技术的互补是当前生物多样性监测的重点工作内容。
关键词:  生物多样性  监测网络  环境DNA  生态声学  相机陷阱  高光谱成像仪
Biodiversity Monitoring Under the Kunming Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework
WANG Beixin, WANG Meng, PENG Zhiqi, WU Shuhong
College of Plant Protection,Nanjing Agricultural University,Nanjing, Jiangsu 210095,China
Biodiversity monitoring supports the implementation and assessment of the Kunming Montreal global biodiversity framework by providing essential data. This paper described the structure of the global biodiversity observation network(GEO BON) under the Kunming Montreal framework, the existed China's biodiversity monitoring and observation networks, and the goals and core monitoring indicators of a global biodiversity observation system, GBiOS), and then reviewed how to build a regional biodiversity monitoring network and the four new methods for future biodiversity monitoring suggested by GEO BON. We highly recommended the major aim of building a regional biodiversity network should cover geographical and biological groups, and complementarily apply traditional and new methods in current program of biodiversity monitoring.
Key words:  Biodiversity  Monitoring network  Environmental DNA  Ecological acoustics  Camera trap  Hyperspectral camera