QING Wei, GE Shun, ZHANG Xiang zhi, LU Wei qing, YANG Xue.The lmpact of PM2.5in the Air and the Water soluble Ions during Fireworks[J].Environmental Monitoring and Forewarning,2013,5(3):1-4
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江苏省环境监测中心,江苏 南京 210036
关键词:  烟花爆竹  PM2.5  水溶性离子  主成分分析
The lmpact of PM2.5in the Air and the Water soluble Ions during Fireworks
QING Wei, GE Shun, ZHANG Xiangzhi, LU Weiqing, YANG Xue
Jiangsu Provincial Environmental Monitoring Center, Nanjing, Jiangsu 210036, China
Mass concentration, visibility ofPM10、PM2.5、PM1, and water soluble ion concentration of PM2.5and other parameters have been continuous observed, from February 9 to February 16, in 2013, in Nanjing City. Discussed the reason for the reduction of visibility and decline of air quality while a short term peak appears during the Spring Festival with fireworks. The study found that, due to the discharge of Fireworks, the concentration ofPM2.5 reached 863μg/m3in some area in a short period of time, and the visibility is only 1.2km. At the same time, PM2.5 in PM2.5中Cl-、K+andSO2-4 rose dramatically in a short time, which to some degree is relating to the release of oxidants, reducing agents and other components in fireworks. Observations during the Spring Festival Statistics found that the contribution of the fireworks discharge to water soluble ions in PM2.5is about 50%.
Key words:  fireworks  PM2.5  water soluble ions  principal component analysis