HUANG Can ke1,LIU Ting ting2,TANG Xiao wei3.Application of the Photobacteria Toxicity Detection Method in Water Quality Assessment and Early Warning of Drinking Water[J].Environmental Monitoring and Forewarning,2015,7(3):4-7
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1.温州市环境监测中心站,浙江 温州 325000;2.同济大学浙江学院环境工程教研室,浙江 嘉兴 314051;3.浙江省通信产业服务有限公司咨询设计院,浙江 杭州 310000
关键词:  发光细菌  急性毒性  水源地  自来水  预警  评估
Application of the Photobacteria Toxicity Detection Method in Water Quality Assessment and Early Warning of Drinking Water
HUANG Can ke1,LIU Ting ting2,TANG Xiao wei31,2,3
1.Wenzhou Environmental Monitoring Central Station,Wenzhou,Zhejiang 325000,China;2.Institute of Environmental Engineering, Tongji Zhejiang College, Jiaxing,Zhejiang 314051,China;3.Consulting and Design Institute of Zhejiang Communication Services Co.Ltd.,Hangzhou,Zhejiang 310000,China
This study employed the photobacteria (Vibrio fischeri),to evaluate the effectiveness of early biological toxicity warning detection in various water source sites and tap water in Wenzhou area,and also explored the feasibility of using the biological toxicity index to early warn and assess the water quality in real cases. The results indicated that under normal conditions,the water quality of drinking water sources fell into a safe interval (±18%) of the luminescent inhibitory rate,and water under abnormal conditions,such as that polluted by pesticides,showed significant increase in the luminescent inhibitory rate. The photobacteria showed sensitivity to the toxicity of organic and inorganic pollutants during each phase of tap water purification process and therefore it could be used to indicate the safeness of water on line in real time.
Key words:  Photobacteria  Acute toxicity  Water source site  Tap water  Early warning  Assessment