XU Sheng, NIU Zhi chun, QIAN Zhen bing.Remote Sensing Monitoring of Ecological Environment in Anhui Province during the 12th Five-Year Period[J].Environmental Monitoring and Forewarning,2016,8(5):6-9
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1. 安徽省环境监测中心站,安徽 合肥 230071;2. 江苏省环境监测中心,江苏 南京 210036
利用2011—2015年安徽省遥感影像土地利用类型解译数据,结合地面调查和统计资料,依据生态环境状况评价系统对安徽省“十二五”期间生态环境状况进行动态监测与评价。结果表明, “十二五”末安徽省各市生态环境状况等级为“优”的有4个市,为“良”的有12个市;“十二五”期间,各市等级均保持不变;“十二五”始末相比,有8个市生态环境状况变化度为“略有变好”等级,生态环境状况波动度为“波动”级别,其余8个市的变化度为“无明显变化”等级,波动度为“稳定”级别;省域EI增加了0.76,生态环境质量呈现稳中向好的趋势。
关键词:  十二五  生态环境  遥感监测  安徽省
Remote Sensing Monitoring of Ecological Environment in Anhui Province during the 12th Five-Year Period
XU Sheng, NIU Zhichun, QIAN Zhenbing1,2
1. Anhui Environmental Monitoring center, Hefei, Anhui 230071, China;2. Jiangsu Environmental Monitoring center, Nanjing, Jiangsu 210036, China
The dynamic ecological environment in Anhui province during the 12thfive year period was monitored and evaluated according to the ecological environment evaluation system. The evaluation was based on the remote sensing data from 2011 to 2015 combined with ground survey and statistics data. The results showed that at the end of the 12th five year period, there were 4 cities possessing “excellent quality” of the ecological environment, and 12 cities possessing “good quality” of the ecological environment. During the period, the quality level of each city remained stable. Comparison of the beginning and end of the 12thfive year period, there were 8 cities whose ecological environment were slightly improved with the ecological environment variation level as “fluctuation”. The rest 8 cities remained basically unchanged with the variation level as “stable”. The provincial EI had an increase of 0.76which indicated stable improvement of the ecological environmental quality.
Key words:  12thFive year  Ecological environment  Remote sensing  Anhui province