LIU Ya-jun,ZHANG Zhi-feng.Typical Issues Identified During the Examination of Self Monitoring by Pollutant Discharging Entities and Suggestions for Improvement[J].Environmental Monitoring and Forewarning,2020,12(2):63-66
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江苏省南通环境监测中心,江苏 南通 226006
关键词:  排污单位  自行监测  改进建议
Typical Issues Identified During the Examination of Self Monitoring by Pollutant Discharging Entities and Suggestions for Improvement
LIU Ya-jun,ZHANG Zhi-feng
Jiangsu Nantong Environmental Monitoring Center, Nantong,Jiangsu 226006,China
The quality management of self monitoring by pollutant discharging entities is an important focus of the environmental management departments. The existing problems in the self monitoring work of pollutant discharge entities: irregular quality control measures; incomplete disclosure of monitoring results; incomplete sample transfer records, original sampling records, and sample analysis original records; flowmeters were not verified or expired.we provide detailed suggestions for improvement from four aspects: the formulation of the self monitoring scheme, the disclosure of the self monitoring information, the manual monitoring by enterprises, and the automatic monitoring by enterprises:Specific quality control measures should be implemented; all aspects of pollutant discharge methods and discharge destinations, and reasons for not conducting self monitoring should be made in public;formulate relevant record sheets through third party environmental monitoring agencies;Send the flowmeter to the measurement unit for laboratory verification or ask the measurement unit for on site verification, etc. It is instructive to enhance the self monitoring performance of the sewage disposal units.
Key words:  Pollutant discharging entities  Self monitoring  Suggestions for improvement