GE Zhao-jun, HU Zi-mei, ZHOU Guo-zhu.On line Source Apportionment of Atmospheric Fine Particles in Summer, Bengbu[J].Environmental Monitoring and Forewarning,2020,12(4):33-39
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蚌埠市环境监测站,安徽 蚌埠 233040
关键词:  细颗粒物  在线源解析  夏季  蚌埠市
On line Source Apportionment of Atmospheric Fine Particles in Summer, Bengbu
GE Zhao-jun, HU Zi-mei, ZHOU Guo-zhu
Bengbu Environmental Monitoring Station, Bengbu,Anhui 233040, China
To find out the source of fine particles in the ambient air of Bengbu, on line source apportionment was carried out using Aerosol Time of flight Mass Spectrometer at the commercial residential mixed area (BD) and industrial area (GX), from August 8th to September 18th, 2017. The results showed that the PM2.5 content of BD was higher than that of GX during the observation period, moreover, the proportion of mild PM2.5 pollution (4.2%) was significantly higher than that of GX (0.8%), and moderate PM2.5 pollution appeared (0.3%) at BD. SPAMS fine particle matter spectrum showed that K+ and Na+ characteristics were obvious in fine particles at BD, and inorganic signals such as HSO-4, NO-3 and NO-2 at the point of GX were obvious. The percentages of NO-3, NO-2 and NH+4 ions in the total number of particles were both significantly high in the two monitoring points, and the proportions of NO-3 and HSO-4 ions at GX were significantly higher than those at BD, fuel combustion, industrial process sources and nitrogen fertilizer application were the main anthropogenic pollution sources. The fine particles at the two points composed mainly of elemental carbon, accounting for 42.4% and 40.6%, respectively. During the pollution period, PM2.5 concentration increased rapidly, besides being affected by the accumulation of local motor vehicle exhaust and coal fired sources, both of the increase of dust source emission at BD and GX and the increase of industrial process emission sources at GX made contributions to it. Automobile exhaust fumes were the primary pollution sources, accounting for 29.5% and 30.9%, respectively, followed by coal fired sources (24.3% and 24.7%), with dust sources accounting for 22.9% and 20.8%, respectively.
Key words:  Fine particles  On line source apportionment  Summer  Bengbu