LIANG Xing.O3Pollution Characteristics and Influence Factors of Fengxian District, Shanghai[J].Environmental Monitoring and Forewarning,2022,14(2):78-84
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上海市奉贤区环境监测站,上海 201400
关键词:  臭氧  气象因素  臭氧前体物  污染特征
O3Pollution Characteristics and Influence Factors of Fengxian District, Shanghai
Fengxian District Environmental Monitoring Station of Shanghai,Shanghai 201400,China
A statistical analysis was made on the monitoring data about the characteristics and influencing factors of O3 pollution monitored at the 4 automatic air monitoring stations in Fengxian District, Shanghai during 2014—2019. The result suggests that the trend of annual average O3mass concentration was generally stable with a slight decline. The median and maximum daily O3 mass concentration in 8 hours showed a gradual increase trend, and the highest and second highest mass concentration occurred during April to October. There was a significant positive correlation between temperature and O3 mass concentration. With increased of wind speed and humidity, the O3mass concentration and the out of limit frequency increased first and then declined. The O3mass concentration and the out of limit frequency was higher in case of south wind, southwest wind and south by southwest wind than in case of wind in other directions. There was a negative correlation between monthly average O3 mass concentration and the monthly average concentration of its precursors such as CO, NO, NO2and NOx. From spatial perspective, the O3 pollution monitored at Fengpu Station was the most serious, with the highest daily average mass concentration and the greatest number of days with out of limit mass concentration.
Key words:  O3  Meteorological factors  Ozone precuror  Pollution characteristics