ZHOU Jing-bo.Study on Water Quality Safety Risk Assessment of Drinking Water Sources in Shijiazhuang[J].Environmental Monitoring and Forewarning,2021,13(5):124-132
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河北省石家庄生态环境监测中心,河北 石家庄 050022
以石家庄市黄壁庄水库和岗南水库及上游河流为研究对象,对1 700余种典型特征污染物开展定量或半定量分析,获得了27 000余个检测数据,共筛选出98种特征污染物,建立了石家庄市饮用水水源地的污染源排放数据库。利用美国环境保护署推荐的环境健康风险评价模型,对筛查出的化学污染物、生物毒性和病原微生物等污染因子进行健康风险评价。结果显示,各采样点污染物的非致癌风险值(HQ)均小于阈值1,不会对暴露人群的身体健康造成明显的非致癌危害。各采样点污染物的致癌风险值(LCR)均在10-6数量级以下,对人体的致癌风险较弱。
关键词:  风险评估  饮用水水源地  致癌风险  特征污染物  石家庄
Study on Water Quality Safety Risk Assessment of Drinking Water Sources in Shijiazhuang
ZHOU Jing-bo
Shijiazhuang Environmental Monitoring Center of Hebei Province, Shijiazhuang, Hebei 050022, China
This paper took Huangbizhuang reservoir, Gangnan Reservoir and upstream rivers in Shijiazhuang as the research object. Quantitative or semi quantitative analysis was carried out for more than 1 700 typical pollutants. More than 27 000 test data were obtained. A total of 98 characteristic pollutants were screened. The pollution source discharge database of drinking water source in Shijiazhuang was established. Using the environmental health risk assessment model recommended by US EPA, health risk assessment was conducted on the screened pollution factors such as chemical pollutants, biotoxicity and pathogenic microorganism. The results showed that, the non carcinogenic risk value (HQ) of pollutants at each sampling point was less than the threshold 1. It will not cause obvious non carcinogenic harm to the personal health of the exposed population. The carcinogenic risk value (LCR) of pollutants at each sampling point was below the order of 10-6. The risk of carcinogenesis to human body was weak.
Key words:  Risk assessment  Drinking water source  Carcinogenic risk  Characteristic pollutants  Shijiazhuang