DAI Xiang-yu,LI Xiao-qin,YAO Qing-bing,XIE Ye,ZHANG Kai-yue,WU Jing-jing,YE Tao,JIN Wu.Analysis on Monitoring Results of Health Hazards in Public Places of Yangzhou City in 2019[J].Environmental Monitoring and Forewarning,2021,13(5):56-59
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扬州市疾病预防控制中心,江苏 扬州 225007
为了提升扬州市公共场所卫生状况和传染病防控能力,按照国家标准于2019年对扬州市宾馆(酒店)类、沐浴类、理发店类、美容店类和候车室类5类公共场所的健康危害因素(空气质量和公共用品用具)进行监测,按照《公共场所卫生指标及限值要求》(GB 37488—2019)进行评价。结果表明,共监测空气质量样品216份,合格率为84.26%,共监测公共用品用具1 414份,合格率为96.46%,不同场所的空气质量合格率和公共用品用具微生物指标合格率差异均具有统计学意义(P<0.05)。不同类型公共用品用具监测项目中,金黄色葡萄球菌的合格率最高(100%),而真菌总数的合格率最低(93.75%)。各类公共用品用具中,拖鞋合格率最低(91.67%),床单相对较高(99.70%)。 扬州市公共卫生状况总体良好,在空气质量监测中,物理项目和微生物项目合格率较低,在公共用品用具监测中,细菌总数和大肠菌群存在不合格现象。
关键词:  公共场所  空气质量  公共用品用具  公共卫生  健康  扬州
Analysis on Monitoring Results of Health Hazards in Public Places of Yangzhou City in 2019
DAI Xiang-yu,LI Xiao-qin,YAO Qing-bing,XIE Ye,ZHANG Kai-yue,WU Jing-jing,YE Tao,JIN Wu
Yangzhou Municipal Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Yangzhou, Jiangsu 225007, China
In order to understand the sanitary status of public places and the prevention and control capability of infectious diseases of Yangzhou city, health hazard factors, including air quality and public supplies, of 5 types of public places were monitored and evaluated, such as hotels, bath centers, barber shops, beauty shops, waiting rooms and so on, were investigated. Evaluation were carried out on the basis of “Hygienic indicators and limits for public places”(GB 37488—2019). The results showed that of the monitored 216 air quality samples, the qualified rate was 84.26%, while the value was 96.46% for 1 414 public supplies. There were statistical differences in the qualified rate of air quality and microbiological indicators of public supplies (P<0.05). The qualified rate of staphylococcus aureus was the highest (100%) and that of the total count of fungi was the lowest (93.75%) in different types of monitoring items of public supplies. The qualified rate of slippers was the lowest among all kinds of public goods (91.67%), and the bed sheet of that was relatively high (99.70%). Generally speaking, the hygienic status of public places in Yangzhou city is good. Low conformity rate exists in physical and biological indexes in air quality monitoring. Nonconformity phenominon still exists in public appliances and supplies caused by total bacteria and coliforms.
Key words:  Public place  Air quality  Public appliances and supplies  Public hygiene  Health  Yangzhou