HUANG Min.Study on Pollution Characteristics of Water soluble Ions in PM2.5in Pudong New District[J].Environmental Monitoring and Forewarning,2022,14(2):70-77
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上海市浦东新区环境监测站,上海 200135
关键词:  细颗粒物  水溶性离子  在线离子色谱  污染特征
Study on Pollution Characteristics of Water soluble Ions in PM2.5in Pudong New District
Environmental Monitoring Station of Pudong New District, Shanghai 200135, China
To study the characteristics and sources of the fine particulate matter (PM2.5) in the middle and lower levels of pollution in the atmosphere, an online monitoring system for atmospheric gas composition and aerosol were used to track ρ(PM2.5)and the concentration of the water soluble ions in Pudong New District, from January 1,2018, to December 31, 2020. The results showed thatρ(PM2.5) was the highest in winter, followed by in spring and in autumn, and it was the lowest in summer. The order of water soluble ion components in PM2.5 by mass concentration was as follow:ρ(NO-3) >ρ(SO42-) >ρ(NH+4) >ρ(Cl-)>ρ(K+)>ρ(Na+), while the sum concentration of SO42-,NO-3, and NH+4(SNA) accounted for over 94% of the total ion components and over 52% of PM2.5,which were the key factors in PM2.5. The percentage of Cl-was about 3%. The percentages of Na+ and K+ were both less than 1%. The concentration of NO-3 changed the most with the season. In spring, the particulate matter was weakly acidic,while in winter, it developed to weakly alkaline, and that of the whole year was neutral. Based on ion equilibrium calculations, SNA tends to exist in the atmosphere primarily as (NH4)2SO4 and NH4NO3. SO42-,NO-3 and NH++had a high correlation, while Cl- and K+ had a high correlation with homology. The sulfur oxidation rate (SOR) and nitrogen oxidation rate (NOR) were both higher than 0.1, and the secondary transformation degree of SO2and NO2was higher. Vehicles exhaust and the following secondary particles transmitting and regional transmitting had become the main source of fine particles in the observation period.
Key words:  Fine particulate matter  Water soluble ion  On line ion chromatography  Pollution characteristics